2 Course Meal Professional Photo with Warren Q&A session by Adam Leventhal with Warren. Arrival at 7pm Charity Auction and Raffle.
PLEASE NOTE: We kindly request that no items be brought for signing, as these will not be permitted into the venue under any circumstances. Thank you for your understanding.
Tickets shall only be refunded in the event of a cancellation.
If the event is postponed/rescheduled all tickets will be valid for the new date.
Please ensure you are available for the date of the event as refunds are only available if the event is cancelled for any reason
An Evening with Warren Gatland
Buy Tickets
2 Course Meal
Professional Photo with Warren
Q&A session by Adam Leventhal with Warren.
Arrival at 7pm
Charity Auction and Raffle.
We kindly request that no items be brought for signing, as these will not be permitted into the venue under any circumstances.
Thank you for your understanding.
Tickets shall only be refunded in the event of a cancellation.
If the event is postponed/rescheduled all tickets will be valid for the new date.
Please ensure you are available for the date of the event as refunds are only available if the event is cancelled for any reason